The Memorial
The Oso Slide Memorial Committee worked with Snohomish County Parks and Recreation to build a permanent Memorial at the site of the March 22, 2014 mudslide. The Memorial honors those who were lost in the event, the survivors, the responders, and the surrounding communities. The families, survivors and responders participated in a multi-year process with Parks staff to generate ideas and settle on a consensus about approach and guiding principles.
The final design concept was developed through a collaborative process. Parks and the Committee worked with design consultants, who specialize in public memorials to draft the conceptual plan. This plan was brought before the families, responders and community members for feedback and the concept was refined through design from architects, civil engineers, landscape architects, designers, and scientists. The final design, based on those early concepts is now constructed and open for visitors.
The intent of the Memorial is to pay tribute to the lost, the survivors, the response, the communities, healing and resilience of nature. The Memorial holds importance to the families of the lost and the overall community because it is:
A place of peace and healing for all, whether they knew anyone involved or not.
A place to show gratitude to local communities and the worldwide response.
A community gathering space to honor the victims.
An individual memorial space to personalize and leave messages and mementos.
Parks and the Committee would like to thank Perteet Inc., Reid Middleton, Minaker Architecture, Timber Framer's Guild, Bruce Dees & Associates, and Northwest Hydraulic Consultants for their generous professional services donations that helped us get to a buildable design. Thank you to Konnerup Construction for bringing the plans to reality.